Williams A. Kolovanov E. (2000) A rebuttal regarding recent comparisons of SciLogP ultra (scivision Inc) with ACD-LogP prediction software.Размер файла: На удаленном сервере Раздел: Биология >>Молекулярное моделирование Книга была скачана: 3402 раз Краткое содержание/Аннотация:Tools for the prediction of physiochemical properties continue to gain favor as scientists find that computational generation of structure correlated properties can be performed both faster and cheaper than actual measurements. As the libraries available for correlation have improved in both size and quality, and the extracted algorithms defining the structure-property relationships have concomitantly improved, these tools have delivered even greater value. Caution is encouraged though as to the appropriateness of the tools available within the expanding software marketplace. In particular, skillful marketing efforts can confuse even experienced scientists with their glitter.Williams A. Kolovanov E. (2000) A rebuttal regarding recent comparisons of SciLogP ultra (scivision Inc) with ACD-LogP prediction software. |