Yan B. (2004) Analysis and purification methods in combinatorial chemistry.Размер файла: На удаленном сервере Раздел: Химия >>Методы Книга была скачана: 2247 раз Краткое содержание/Аннотация:More than 160 volumes of Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications have been published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. since 1940.These volumes all focused on the most important analytical issues of their times. In the past decade one of the most exciting events has been the rapid development of combinatorial chemistry.This rapidly evolving field posed enormous analytical challenges early on. The two most-cited challenges are requirements for very high-throughput analysis of a large number of compounds and the analysis of polymer-bound compounds. Very impressive achievements have been made by scientists working in this field. However, there are still formidable analytical challenges ahead. For example, the development of highly parallel analysis and purification technologies and all methods associated with analysis to ensure combinatorial libraries are synthesizable, purifiable, and drugable. For these evident reasons, I almost immediately agreed to edit a volume on the analysis and purification methods in combinatorial chemistry when the series editor Professor J. D.Winefordner asked me a year ago.In the past year it has been a great pleasure for me to work with all contributors. The timely development of this volume is due entirely to their collaborative efforts. I have been impressed with their scientific vision and quality work throughout the year. To these contributors, I owe my very special thanks. I also owe a great debt to my colleagues especially Dr.Mark Irving, and Dr. Jiang Zhao for their assistance in my editorial work. Finally I wish to thank staff at Wiley for their professional assistance throughout this project. Part I of the book includes six chapters describing various approaches to monitor reactions on solid support and optimize reactions for library synthesis: Lucas and Larive give a comprehensive overview of the principle and application of quantitative NMR analysis in support of synthesis in both solution and solid phase. Salvino describes in detail the application of 19F NMR to monitor solid-phase synthesis directly on resin support. Cournoyer, Krueger, Wade, and Yan report on the single-bead FTIR method applied in monitoring solid-phase organic synthesis. Guinу and de Miguel report on HR-MAS NMR analysis of solid-supported samples. A parallel analysis approach combined with chemometrics analysis in materials discovery and process optimization is presented by Potyrailo, Wroczynski, Lemmon, Flanagan, and Siclovan. Enjalbal, Lamaty,Martinez, and Aubagnac report their work on monitoring reactions on soluble polymeric support using mass spectrometry. Part II of the book is dedicated to high-throughput analytical methods used to examine the quality of libraries. Hou and Raftery review the development of high-throughput NMR techniques and their own work on parallel NMR method. Simms details the theory and application of micellar electrokinetic chromatography as a high-throughput analytical tool for combinatorial libraries. Zhang and Fitch describe Affymaxs approach on quality control and encoding/decoding of combinatorial libraries via singlebead analysis methods. In Part III, various high-throughput purification techniques are discussed. Zhao, Zhang, and Yan review the chromatographic separation and their application in combinatorial chemistry. Hochlowski discusses various purification methods and the high-throughput HPLC and SFC methods developed at Abbott. God and Gumm present the new generation of parallel analysis and purification instruments and methods. In Part IV, analytical methods applied in postsynthesis and postpurification stages are reviewed. Morand and Cheng report studies on stability profile of compound archives.Tseng,Chang, and Chu discuss a novel quartz crystal microbalance method to determine the binding between library compounds and biological targets. Faller reviews high-throughput methods for profiling compounds physicochemical properties. Lipinski presents a detailed study of solubility issue in drug discovery and in combinatorial library design. Villena, Wlasichuk, Schmidt Jr., and Bao describe a highthroughput LC/MS method for the determination of logD value of library compounds. Yan B. (2004) Analysis and purification methods in combinatorial chemistry. |