Mikkelsen S.R. Corton E. (2004) Bioanalytical chemistry.Размер файла: На удаленном сервере Раздел: Химия >>Биохимия Книга была скачана: 3662 раз Краткое содержание/Аннотация:The expanding role of bioanalytical chemistry in academic and industrial environments has made it important for students in chemistry and biochemistry to be introduced to this field during their undergraduate training. Upon introducing a bioanalytical chemistry course in 1990, I found that there was no suitable textbook that incorporated the diverse methods and applications in the depth appropriate to an advanced undergraduate course. Many specialized books and monographs exist that cover one or two topics in detail, and some of these are suggested at the end of each chapter as sources of further information.This book is intended to be used as a textbook by advanced undergraduate chemistry and biochemistry students, as well as bioanalytical chemistry graduate students. These students will have completed standard introductory analytical chemistry and biochemistry courses, as well as instrumental analysis. We have assumed familiarity with basic spectroscopic, electrochemical, and chromatographic methods, as they apply to chemical analysis. The subject material in each chapter has generally been organized as a progression from basic concepts to applications involving real samples. Mathematical descriptions and derivations have been limited to those that are believed essential for an understanding of each method, and are not intended to be comprehensive reviews. Problems given at the end of each chapter are included to allow students to assess their understanding of each topic; most of these problems have been used as examination questions by the authors. As research in industrial, government, and academic laboratories moves toward increasingly interdisciplinary programs, the authors hope that this book will be used to facilitate, and to prepare students for, collaborative scientific work. Mikkelsen S.R. Corton E. (2004) Bioanalytical chemistry. |