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    Iwnicki S. (2006) Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics. Chapter 8.

    Формат книги: PDF. Все о формате PDF можно прочитать тут.
    Размер файла: На удаленном сервере
    Раздел: Техника >>Транспорт и авиация
    Книга была скачана: 2022 раз

    Краткое содержание/Аннотация:

    Of fundamental concern to all railway engineers is the avoidance of derailment and its potentially catastrophic consequences. Huimin Wu and Nicholas Wilson start Chapter 8 with some statistics from the U.S. that show the main causes of derailment. They go on to summarise the limits that have been set by standards to try to prevent these occurrences, and cover the special case of independently rotating wheels and several possible preventative measures that can be taken.

    Iwnicki S. (2006) Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics. Chapter 8.

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