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    Oldroyd H. (1972) ROBBER FLIES (Diptera: Asilidae) OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.

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    Книга была скачана: 17 раз

    Краткое содержание/Аннотация:

    The Asilidae of the Philippine Islands are reviewed after a study of recent- ly collected material. Keys are given to tribes, genera and species. The number of genera is 28, and of species 100; one genus and 37 species are described as new. Illustrations include genitalic drawings of species. The relationships of the Asilidae of the Philippine Islands among the islands, and with adjoining areas, are discussed, and it is concluded that there is no present evidence of any endemic fauna.

    Oldroyd H. (1972) ROBBER FLIES (Diptera: Asilidae) OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.

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